Techo International Airport

The New Phnom Penh International Airport project (NPPIA) is a greenfield airport to be developed in the south of Phnom Penh in Kandal Province. Cambodia Airport Investment Co. (CAIC) is a joint venture between the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia (RGC) represented by the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA) and OCIC.

In 2019, the Royal Government of Cambodia, represented by the Secretariat of State for Civil Aviation (SSCA), signed a joint venture agreement with Overseas Cambodian Investment Corporation (OCIC) to jointly form the establishment of Cambodia Airport Investment Co., Ltd. (CAIC). Under the joint venture agreement, the Cambodian government has granted CAIC the exclusive rights to fund, construct, operate and own the new Phnom Penh International Airport. In December 2021, Prime Minister Hun Sen officially named the new airport Techo International Airport (TIA) during a visit to the airport construction site. TIA is a greenfield 4F airport with a total area of 2,600 hectares, located 20 kilometres from the centre of Phnom Penh in southwest Cambodia.  It will be developed in three (3) phases with 3 runways and Phase 1 to be in operation in early 2025. The first phase will accommodate 13 million passengers, Phase 2 – 30 million and Phase 3 – 50 million passengers. The investment for Phase 1 is US$1.5 Billion excluding lands. The Project is currently 42% completed with investment thus far of US$600 Million.

2019年,柬埔寨王國政府以民航國務秘書處(SSCA)為代表與海外柬華投資公司(OCIC)簽署合資協議,共同出資設立柬埔寨機場投資有限公司( 民航總局)。 根據合資協議,柬埔寨政府已授予CAIC獨家出資、建設、運營和擁有新金邊國際機場的權利。 2021 年 12 月,洪森總理在視察機場建設現場時正式將新機場命名為德崇國際機場 (TIA)。TIA是一座新建4F機場,總面積2600公頃,位於柬埔寨西南部,距離金邊市中心20公裏。 它將分三 (3) 期開發,有 3 條跑道,第一期將於 2025 年初投入運營。第一期將容納 1300 萬名乘客,第二期將容納 3000 萬名乘客,第三期將容納 5000 萬名乘客。 第一期的投資為 15 億美元,不包括土地。 該項目目前已完成42%,總投資6億美元。