Olympia City Hotel by DARA is centrally located at the heart of Phnom Penh, 11km from Phnom Penh Airport, 3km from BKK1, which keeps you connected to all destinations and hotspots around the city, without compromising on your lifestyle during business traxveling. Our spacious business suites provide top-tier comfort and convenience for business travelers, from luxurious equipped in-room furniture and high-speed WIFI, to fully-equipped on-site gymnasium and swimming pool. Olympia City Hotel by DARA is directly connected to The Olympia Mall, shopping mall with cafes, bars and restaurants, supermarket and entertainments, where you can get all you needs during your stay. We aim to maximize your enjoyment and relaxation during your business travel, as we also know the importance of Work-Life balance with your packed traveling schedule.

奧林匹亞酒店位於金邊市中心, 客戶可方便的前往市內各個地點。我們寬敞的商務套房為商務旅客提供頂級的舒適和便利服務, 從豪華的室內傢俱和高速無線網路, 到設備齊全的健身房和游泳池,一應俱全。奧林匹亞酒店連接到奧林匹亞購物中心, 購物中心內設有咖啡館、酒吧、餐館、超市和各種娛樂設施。在您的商務旅程期間,可獲得最大的享受和放鬆, 讓您的工作和生活得到平衡。