Koh Pich Construction Company (KPCC) is a business division of Diamond Island Development Company Co., Ltd. This business division was established in 2016 by leveraging on key success from the construction of major infrastructure on Diamond Island. Since its establishment, KPCC has been playing a vital role in designing and building some construction projects within the Canadia Group and many other projects. Currently KPCC is providing its customers with construction-related services as consultancy, feasibility study and design; building (structure, architecture, MEP and finishing work); survey and levelling; bored pile works; and machinery leasing (bored pile).

鑽石建築公司是鑽石島開發有限公司旗下的子公司,成立於2016年,主要負責鑽石島重大基礎設施建設而取得的巨大成功。自成立以來,公司一直在參與規劃和建造加華集團內部的建築項目,並在許多其他項目中發揮著至關重要的作用。目前,公司為客戶提供與建築相關的服務,如諮詢、可行性研究和規劃方案; 建築(結構、建築、MEP 和交接工作); 調查和水位測量; 鑽孔樁工程,以及機械租賃服務(鑽孔樁)。