Dara Ventures is a boutique retail and distribution house (formerly Sandara Industry & Development Co .. Ltd). established in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The company was formed in 2018 by Canadia Group. Dara Ventures has started to build a portfolio of international brands including Pandora and BERING. The company is targeting to develop fashion, cosmetics, beauty, skincare, personal care retails and distribution segment in Cambodia market.
Dara Ventures 是一家精品零售和分銷公司(之前名為Sandara 工業及開發有限公司),於2018年在柬埔寨王國註冊成立,屬加華集團旗下子公司。Dara Ventures 在國內開設了潘朵拉和白令國際品牌旗艦店,公司目標在柬埔寨市場發展時尚、化妝品、美容、護膚、個人護理零售和分銷領域。