Chroy Changvar City in Phnom Penh is home to the Chroy Changvar International Exhibition Hall. It is a brand-new landmark that was constructed by OCIC on a plot of land that measures around 6 hectares in size and started its operations officially in October 2020. The Chroy Changvar International Exhibition Hall is a cutting-edge structure that was created by foreign architects. Weddings, meetings, and exhibitions can all take place there as well as events on a national and international scale. As one of the top venues, Chroy Changvar International Exhibition Hall can support local economic development.
水淨華國際會展中心位於柬埔寨金邊水淨華城,佔地面積約6公頃,是海外柬華投資公司投資開發的新地標項目, 於2020年10月開始運營。水淨華國際會展中心建築風格新穎,由國外專業設計團隊以現代新技術精心打造,整體建成後將成為柬埔寨最大的會展中心,可以承接國際性大型展覽,以及各種會議婚慶活動。水淨華國際會展中心已成為金邊市具有代表性的新地標建築,帶動周邊地區綜合經濟發展.